If you are about to make your first steps with OpenSIPS: get this book. Immediately. I've read the OpenSER-related one as soon as it has been released - and I wished there was available such a book once I started working with SER/OpenSER.
If you are still unsure please stay tuned: a hardcopy is on it's way to my office. I'll provide you with an in-depth honest review - hopefully within the next two weeks

Wie bereits vor ca 14 Tagen hier angekündigt, kann man jetzt im Rahmen der jeweiligen Bootcamps (Details hier)oder ähnlichen Events zur Prüfung zum OpenSIPS Certified Professional antreten.Naja, da konnte ich natürlich nicht widerstehen! Da es am letzten
Aufgenommen: Apr 30, 23:29